How to Hack Facebook Account By Phishing 2016

The victim is fooled to believe the fake Facebook page to be the real one and enter his/her password. But once the user attempts to log in through these pages, his/her Facebook log in details are stolen away. I recommend  hack any account by phishing attack  since it is the easiest one .You can Hack Facebook Or Any Account By Phishing Method Easily,lets continue towards our goal hacking with phishing page method.In this tutorial hacking Facebook using phishing method,you  learn how hackers access your Facebook with the help of phishing and also you learn how you can created phishing pages for free.Before hacking Facebook we know about what is phishing and the history of phishing for your  clear understanding 

What Is Phishing According To WikiPedia?

Phishing is an old method of e-mail fraud that is used to gather personal and financial information from the recipients. phishing is the act of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money) by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.Phishing is an example of a social engineering technique.  

Important Notice For You :Must Read 

If you don't want to follow below given facebook phishing hacking procedure then you can give me order for making one account for you ,and i will charged only $20 ,and when you give me order i will give you one working phishing link along with your own webhost account and also give you some extra information about how u can get victim password ,and how you convince your victim ,i will guide you persionaly via email,if you are intrestd to buy one phishing link you need to pay me only $20 which is only a cup of coffee to me from you.If you want to make undetectable facebook phishing page then contact me my email id is And payment accept from PayPal only .

Otherwise follow below given procedure.

Step By Step Guide To Hack Facebook Account Using Phishing  

Now lets start our tutorial which is all about how to make facebook phishing page without having the knowledge of any type of coding .
Note: if you don't want to follow below given 1-10 steps then simply you can skip them and move to steps after step no. 10 
Step:1) first of all Go to the From your computer's mozilla firefox web browser

Step:2)  And then right click on the blank area, you will see the option view source page,simply click on that.(see bellow picture for better understanding )

How to hackers hack Facebook account using phishing attack method


Step:3) now a pop up window  will be open which contain a source code of Facebook page, And Copy  all the code using Ctrl+c 
How to hackers hack Facebook account using phishing attack method

Step:4) Now open the notepad and past all code here which copy in step 3

 Step:5) now press CTRL+F,and type ACTION.(see bellow picture)


How to hackers hack Facebook account using phishing attack method


Step:6) You will have to search action again and again till you get like bellow code

action=" "


How to hackers hack Facebook account using phishing attack method

Step:7) After that delete all the text written in blue color and instead of it write hack.php.then it will look like.( see bellow given picture)


How to hackers hack Facebook account using phishing attack method
Step:8) Now save it on your desktop with the name index.htm,not index.html,remember.

Step:9) Now your phishing page is will look like a pic given bellow 
How to hackers hack Facebook account using phishing attack method

Step:9) now you need to create a php file for this Open a new notepad and copy the bellow code and save it with the name hack.php.

header ('Location:');
$handle = fopen("usernames.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
   fwrite($handle, $variable);
   fwrite($handle, "=");
   fwrite($handle, $value);
   fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

Note: I use hack.php in step 7 that's why we need to use same name in step 9

Step:10) You have successfully created two files

  1.  index.htm
  2. hack .php,

Alternative of step 1 to step 10 

If you face some problem during creating phishing files index.htm and hack php  for facebook  then don't worry now i am going to  short all the 10 steps given above .I know you become talented more then me in future and want everything in short but what can i do ?My work is to explain everything from low leble to high for newbie, thats why the overall  procedure have many no. Of steps.But now we are going to Shrink all above given 10 steps and do our task in only 3 steps.

See below given steps and do as it is.

Step:A) first go to this link and download index.htm
(This is mobile version facebook phishing page ,if you want phishing page for desktop user see below the post)

Step:B) And again go to this link and download hack.php

Step:C) Now you have 2 files
  • Index.htm
  • Hack.php
Now follow more steps after step no. 10 or step no. C

Step:11) Now you need to upload these two files in a free web hosting site i am giving you the list of  best webhosting site which are useful for you . you need to make a account on any of one below webhosting site.(I think the list is perfect for you)

Step:12) I prefer because it is easy to use first of all go to and click on register button which is located in upper side bar.

Step:13) now simply fill all required  information in registration form

How to hackers hack Facebook account using phishing attack method

Step:14) when your account completely setup simply log in with your username and password

Step:15) when you open your account you see control panel  like bellow picture ,now click on file manager.

How to hackers hack Facebook account using phishing attack method

step:16) now file manager will open and you need to upload index.htm and hack.php file ,simply click on upload files  button and upload both files there after uploading it look like bellow picture.

How to hackers hack Facebook account using phishing attack method 

Step:17) now click on index.htm file you see fake Facebook page simply copy the URL from your web browser URL address bar .your link look like bellow :

Step:18) now you almost done simply send this link to your victim or friends .

Step:19) when victim open that link he see fake Facebook page which look like real and enter there username and password and hit log in his password send to your my3gb account.

Step:20) for seeing password simply go to >>control panel >>file manager,and here you see new file with name usernames.txt .open it and see the password.

How to hackers hack Facebook account using phishing attack method
warning :

you are not able to send your phishing link to friends in Facebook because Facebook detect it and give warning to delete that link.

if you want to send your link via Facebook or other social networking site then  you need to use URL shortening I prefer to use because it is easy to use and Facebook security not detect it easily.if tinyurl not allowed phishing link then try another websites. if you don't know how to short your link for Facebook follow bellow steps   

  • 2) past your phishing URL in the box and hit make tiny URL button.

How to hackers hack Facebook account using phishing attack method

  • 3) after that you get your short link simply send that link to your friends.

Something Spacial For you   

If you are not understand the above steps ( Step 1 to Step 10) Because of some problem which you faced but don't worry As i say you in the beginning of the tutorial that i give you predesigned facebook phishing page now sit relax and download it from the below given link here i give you 3 version of facebook phishing page (Desktop,mobile,messenger).

Go to below given link and download all useful phishing script and pages.
Go here

Over To You:

This is the overall post if you faced any problem feel free ask me via comment box.if you like this article please share it in social networking site using below given social shre buttons.Thank You so much.